~ About the Authors ~




Hobbyist digital artist

22.09 Virgo

Hi! I'm Lunya ^_^, As you might have read, I'm a hobbyist artist and I LOVE doing what I do. I also take interpretation classes and I want to be a vet when I grow older. My favorite animals are horses and dogs, as well as dinos but idk if that counts. I'm in multiple fandoms, but my main ones are JJBA, The Arcana and Homestuck. I also like to do tarot readings! I really like oldweb and I'm ok at html. Sorry if the site sucks doe. I LOVE MY DOG ANOUK SO MUCH she's a brown dachshund who makes me laugh and she smells nice. Have I said that I love her? hehe :3 Oh, and I like to commit tax fraud. Email me at 6luna6nova6@gmail.com, I'll be happy to answer you ASAP!!!





Hobbyist digital artist

01.07 Cancer

Hello !!! I'm Mari but you can just call me Neppy, i'm a traditional and digital artist who likes HLVRAI, Homestuck, challenging myself on Osu! and many other stuff that i am not going to list! I have a beautiful and stinky little cat named Apolo who i love very much. I'm not entirely sure what i exactly want to be when i grow up but if i can successfully end up as an artist, that would be just fine for me :^] Another one of my fave hobbies is arson! Oh and I like frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog frog
